Posted in Eddie's Articles


Ever since the world got caught in the tenterhooks of Corona virus, the thought of that dreaded swab being inserted…

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

Duke, Burj Khalifa, and Mother Nature

“Dadem, Duke camed and took the Burj Khalifa again”. Ian was disappointed and also a bit dejected when he woke…

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

Was Joseph really a carpenter?

Every kid likes stories and it was no different with Ian. He loves stories- be it Mahabharata or Bible, Panchatantra…

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

Where do babies come from?

“Dadem. Where did I come from?”. Ever since we visited my cousin’s baby shower, Ian has been asking me this…

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

Melting moments- 2020

Have you ever visited a restaurant, had your favorite meal, enjoyed the ambiance, and then let the dessert steal the…

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Posted in Eddie's Articles

Women can drive too!

“You sexist, why don’t you open your eyes, to the fact that ladies could be better drivers than men” Eddie…

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Posted in Travelogue

Boorish Bianky Beach camp

It was our 7th wedding anniversary and coming close to an unforgettable year, we thought it would be great to…

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Posted in Travelogue

Showka Dam- Exploring the desert.

As the fear of the raging pandemic was waning or I would say becoming ineffective, a few close family friends…

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

Yakshagana 4- Where next?

A passionate exponent of Yakshagana, Manja in his heydays as an artist was one of the most sought-after actors, but…

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

Yakshagana 3- Behind the Scenes

Manja was feverish with excitement as the “AATA” sponsored by Neil’s family was coming closer. It was less than a…

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