Posted in Eddie's Articles

Eddie uncles DIEt

“What is this uncle? How come you have lost a ton of weight” I was startled, looking at Eddie uncle,…

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Posted in Neil's Column


NEIL FERNANDES Russia and Ukraine are at war, This is now a chase to stop a wild boar, From explosion…

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

Over the top!

Sitting in one of my favorite pizza places in town, I scanned the menu on my phone and handed it…

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

The great hack..

As the war between Ukraine and Russia was heating up, I was concerned about how the war might affect me….

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

Kundapura- A peek into its history!

Kundapura! I spent my entire childhood and most of my adolescence in this vibrant town and looking back at how…

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Posted in Eddie's Articles

A ride with Eddie uncle!

I just landed in India and was warned about the impeccable Covid behavior of my fellow citizens: the main reason…

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Posted in Neil's Column

Think twice

People coming home from work, Going straight back into downtown. Panic buying, lining up on the streets. While people in…

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Posted in Inspiration through books

Long walk to Freedom

A WhatsApp message, about Mr. Nelson Mandela, caught my eye and I pulled out his memoirs “Long walk to Freedom”…

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

The curious case of day and night

As we got out of the pool and walked towards our home at twilight, Ian popped a question to his…

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Posted in My Wandering Thoughts

Gods little helper

“Dadem, why do you I need to pray every day?”  Ian asked me one night, after prayers. “Because during prayers…

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