What made me write The gods must be smiling?

Ever since my first book “The gods must be smiling” was launched at Crossword, Bangalore, late in the month of June, I have been bombarded with one question “What made you write a story on such a topic?”.

Well, there is answer to this question. I happened to read about a trans woman Vice chancellor and opened my eyes towards looking at trans class of people in a different light. That is it!

I had heard about some trans politicians, but an academic! Not many might have heard. Me neither. It isn’t surprising why – SOCIETY, we are a part of it, I mean we are it. The society has always seen these people as unwanted and relegated them to the outer rings of the system, snatching their rights to freedom, to education , to employment and to live.

Initially I began writing from a parents perspective. However as the story began to unravel in my mind, I had to get in Manja, my protagonist. With the aid of his father Seetha and friend Neil, Manja attains success in life, just like the aforementioned VC.

To be honest, I always believed that the idea of trans was something of a mental illness, but as I wrote, I realized that it well could be a real condition of certain unfortunate people. It is not good to judge a book by its cover alone. One never knows what is inside.

I hope you have been able to pick up a copy of the book. For those who have, I hope you have liked it.

I will keep this space updated with my thoughts and experiences with “THE GODS MUST BE SMILING” . It was a a avalanche of many “FIRST TIMES” for me as a writer. HAPPY READING.

Author: admin

1 thought on “What made me write The gods must be smiling?

  1. Hi Anil
    Congratulations and hats off to you for writing about Trans. It brought back so many childhood memories too. I got a cooy of the book from your mom.

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